A pre-recorded webinar will be available in July and a link will be provided upon completion. This webinar will include general information about the applicable copyright laws; U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance Licenses; tools and resources for athletes, clubs, event organizers and coaches; a breakdown of the Music Announcement and Policy; and frequently asked questions.
Members can also expect to see more targeted communication and education in the coming weeks directed toward specific member groups that may be affected by the Music Announcement and Policy.
Questions regarding the Music Policy may be sent to music@usfigureskating.org.
Music Rights FAQ
Q: How can I find out if the song I want to use is covered by the U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance License?
A: You can search for the song on the Songview database. Only songs labeled as “100% cleared” are covered. If the song you want to use is not found in the database, or not labeled as “100% cleared,” you may be able to license it yourself through a service known as Click n Clear. Otherwise, it is not cleared for use.
Q: What uses can I make of a song I confirm is 100% cleared on the Songview database?
A: Any song 100% cleared on the Songview database may be played at live events only. Those events may not be recorded, archived, streamed or sold with music. The license only covers the live performance.
Q: Can I post a performance on social media, live stream or offer an on-demand stream of a U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned event performance with no music?
A: Yes, streaming without music is encouraged.
Q: Do my club/program’s ice shows fall under this no streaming policy?
A: Yes, the policy applies to all U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned and approved events and Compete USA events/programs.
Q: Can a performance be streamed, sold or distributed if the music included is covered by U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance Licenses with BMI and ASCAP?
A: No, per the applicable copyright laws a Performance License does not cover this type of use. The Performance License only covers the live performance at the event that occurs in the United States.
Q: What should I do if my LOC has already contracted with a videographer to sell event footage?
A: The videographer can still sell event footage with no music. It’s recommended that this is communicated clearly in event announcements where the sale of event footage is being mentioned. The videographer can include the introduction of the skater and their club so long as no music is included in the recording.
Q: Our videographer only sells or gives footage to the skater/their family – footage of an unrelated skater is not available for anyone else to purchase. Can this footage include music?
A: No, giving away or selling footage that includes audio, regardless of who it is being given or sold to, violates copyright laws and is not covered by U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance Licenses.
Q: Are all songs found in the Songview database safe to use?
A: No, only songs that are both (1) in the Songview database, and (2) labeled as being “100% cleared” are included in the U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance License.
Q: What does it mean for a song to be 100% covered by BMI/ASCAP?
A: Songview is a joint BMI and ASCAP database where copyright data is available for music users. For a song to be 100% cleared by U.S. Figure Skating’s performances licenses with BMI and ASCAP, the song must be verified in Songview as being cleared 100% by BMI, ASCAP or a combination of the two. Note that there are songs in the database that are not cleared 100% by BMI, ASCAP or a combination of the two. These songs are not included in the U.S. Figure Skating’s Performance License.
Q: I’m an athlete and my music is not covered by Click n Clear or Songview. What should I do?
A: It is the sole responsibility of the coach, choreographer, athlete and/or parent/guardian to ensure that the music is 100% cleared by BMI, ASCAP or a combination of the two, or that the proper licensing has otherwise been obtained, such as through a service like Click n Clear.